QuickTime download for Windows QuickTime 7.7.9 download for Windows. QuickTime Pro 7.7.9 Final memberikan kualitas video yang lebih baik daripada pemutar multimedia lain dengan codec H.264 yang dimilikinya, sebuah standar video yang memberi ruang lebih lapang di HD dan berkualitas lebih baik.Ada pemain lain seperti VLC media player yang memainkan hampir semua format dan lebih cepat untuk diluncurkan. QuickTime dirancang untuk memainkan format video MOV milik Apple meskipun tetapi di luar ini di Windows, itu tidak terlalu fleksibel.QuickTime est un logiciel gratuit dans la Gestion de l'Audio et de la Vidéo qui, au même titre que le célèbre lecteur iTunes, permet de créer, restituer ainsi que diffuser du contenu audio et vidéo sur un ordinateur comme. VLC doesn't have that, either (or if it does, I've never. I use the ability to extract clips from videos quite frequently, and Quicktime Player X doesn't have that. Knowing that macOS will soon no longer be able to run 32-bit programs, I want to find a replacement for QuickTime Player 7 Pro.

È presente almeno un link mirror per il download diretto del file. xNavigation vi porterà sul sito di Apple. Per scaricare il programma QuickTime 7.7.9 è necessario cliccare sul link blu in alto "Download QuickTime »".

How to update to the latest version of QuickTime on Mac From time to time Apple releases newer versions of QuickTime.

The version of QuickTime your Mac is running will be displayed at the top of the pop up menu.For the protection of our customers, Apple does not disclose, discuss, or confirm security issues until a full investigation has occurred and any necessary patches or releases are available. About the security content of QuickTime 7.7.9 This document describes the security content of QuickTime 7.7.9.